Odd Observations from a Skewed Perspective

Follow suit. Especially bathing suits.

Archive for poetry

Still Phenomenal- an ode to Maya

I’m still phenomenal
Phenomenally me
You can check it in my swagger
In my sway and my style
There is no perfection that lives here
No digital representation
Of social manipulation
Just phenomenal
Phenomenal me

You can see it in the tips
Of my fingers at your lips
In the cadence of my stride
Lifted in my pride
That phenomenal woman
Inside me

With the click of heels
That follow and lead
The words that makes worlds
Bend and kneel
To the hearts that buzz
For honey like the bee
Remember to be phenomenal
Phenomenal we


Hands we are given
We press together in prayer
We lift others in hope
Blood we are given 
We pound in joy
To spill and be spilt
Lessons we are given
To learn or to lose
What prayer cannot solve
We clench our hands
And blood sings

Little blessings

Such trust lies within
The little hand that slips in
Mine and holds on tight

I’m like yesterday
Wishing for more and more time
Forget tomorrow

Sticker on the …

Sticker on the ground
Candidate to be stepped on
But I’m too far left

Haiku Politick


Little is known
of the tiny world
that lives in the pregnant swell
shattering the sun
while the blades serve as midwife
to the birth of brilliance
To think, this happens every day

Steel Horses

A roaring tempest claimed between 
the knees and pouring over
the beaten path 
with a snarl

Whirlwinds in shadows,
racing windows of 
the world swept by
over the hill
around the corner

The eyes follow
with envy, disgust
an extended hand 
offered to the passerby
taming the wind

The stolen gasps
between the 
clutch and rev
tasting the the free air

Ah like my men like ah like my coffee…

Roasted caramel eyes

Do shock me with your taste

Burn my tongue

With complexity

And allow me

To swirl my cream

into your dark, mysterious depths

and drink the nectar

of your sweet french press

3 wee poems

on walking through
a concrete garden
i spied forget me nots
at every corner
of every street

some gazed pitiously
limbs outstretched
some jangled their
heads in confusion
others, weak and feeble
made a woebegone scene

I dropped my trinkets
at every base
unsure of if it helped or hurt
as I got to the end
finding my pockets empty
took my place among them


I saw a battle in the park one day
A battle of ages waged over eons
Where time was retrospect
An after thought
They wound and wend
both bark and bite
stretching and striking
To be the one that
got to snatch the sun


my eyes burn
I put my hand on your scalp
smooth and speckled
and kissed your nose
it was beginning to grow cold
I stayed day and night and day
waiting and watching
the beep beep beep
of time running out
I left almost as soon
as you did
but not without
one last kiss
and my eyes
still burn

To these two

To these two
That sit upon my chest;
To these two
Of warm life giving
To these two
To the checkered flag
Somewhere south of my navel
To these two

Slow your earthly decent!
You were meant
To look towards
The stars and endless
To these two

To these two
Pendulous uvulae
That Grace my body
By entropy and time
To these two

You are not invitations
You are not excuses
You are not victims
Of your culture
Yes, you too