Odd Observations from a Skewed Perspective

Follow suit. Especially bathing suits.

Archive for homelessness

3 wee poems

on walking through
a concrete garden
i spied forget me nots
at every corner
of every street

some gazed pitiously
limbs outstretched
some jangled their
heads in confusion
others, weak and feeble
made a woebegone scene

I dropped my trinkets
at every base
unsure of if it helped or hurt
as I got to the end
finding my pockets empty
took my place among them


I saw a battle in the park one day
A battle of ages waged over eons
Where time was retrospect
An after thought
They wound and wend
both bark and bite
stretching and striking
To be the one that
got to snatch the sun


my eyes burn
I put my hand on your scalp
smooth and speckled
and kissed your nose
it was beginning to grow cold
I stayed day and night and day
waiting and watching
the beep beep beep
of time running out
I left almost as soon
as you did
but not without
one last kiss
and my eyes
still burn